> From: Mike Dawson <mdawson_at_mac.com>
> Anyone know of available source material on Slave Wall in Tarsh, circa
> 1618-19?
Well, from that peerless source UW1 - Tarsh in Flames:
A grim trading town at the edge of the kingdom and the capital of the
Mellmuri tribe. Rebuilt after the devastation of 1490 as a fortified
station, it is not only the site of a huge slave market dealing in captives
from as far as Balazar and Prax (and, truth to tell, many actually taken by
the Exiles), but this is still the city's main clam to fame. Its Great
Redoubt is known as the Bastion of Tears, after the plaints and lamentations
of the captives driven through it on the way to the slave markets.
Suggestions that some end up on Aramite altars in the Stinking Forest are
fiercely denied, but the Mellmuri did refuse to support Mutius Thrax's
invasion of the forest in 1616.
On the Mellmuri themselves:
Slave-takers and -traders, mistrusted by many and regarded as little more
than bandits. But they hold Slavewall and are strong and wealthy. Much of
their land is technically outside the formal territory of the Kingdom of
Tarsh (and definitely beyond the Glowline), but this is largely ignored by
the Mellmuri and Furthest alike. [Black Eels, First In, Gopi, Marandatholi,
Slavewall, Voivarni]
In terms of military units based there, there is the Slavewall Shieldwall Regiment and the Tarshite Light Foot:
Tarshite Light Foot
Leader: Ruganath Tuskbane. One of the greatest hunters in Tarsh, he is famed
for entering the Stinking Forest on a frequent basis and coming back with
the tusks of a Tusker and the skull of its rider. He is a Mellmuri and has
many of his tribe in the regiment. Some say he cares more for what the
tribal chief says than the King in Furthest but none would doubt his ability
to hunt down those who said that too loudly. Notes: A full-time regiment of
skirmishers using Imperial peltast training, married with the cross country
skills of the Orlanthi. The regiment is very much a child of Slavewall and
the area around it. They were heavily used in the Starbrow rebellion and
have aided Harvar Ironfist in suppressing rebels in the deep hills.
Hope this helps!
Mark Galeotti
The Unspoken Word
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