> As an example:
> The Black Age starts when the Darkness Element appears from
> Primal Chaos and ends when the First
> Waters appear from Styx (the last drop of Darkness).
> The Blue Age starts when the Black Age finishes and ends when
> Ga (The Earth Element) appears.
IMO the ages only end when the new element proves that it is different, and independent. The Green Age would be incomplete without Halamalio (an aspect of Aether).
> As these are elemental Ages, they start when their Element
> appears and end when the next Element
> appears. Similarly, the Green Age starts when Ga appears and
> ends with Aether's Birth.
In this case, I tend to believe that the Green Age ends when Brightface the sun usurps the sovereignty (the "mistakes" of Pelandan myth). By some logic, it must have existed previously, but wasn't that prominent.
> The Golden Age is odd as it ends with Yelm's death not
> Umath's Birth, but perhaps the period between Umath's
> birth and Yelm's Death is the Cloud Age :-)
IMO these periods of transition are the rule rather than the exception.
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