(His New Site Address is:
Lightbringer Image of Umathela for David Dunham.... http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha/umathela/ Variation of Orlanthi Worship and Custom can be such diversity....
How about the Common Custom...like greeting, Weregeld (David called it as Honor Price...?) Wedding Custom for Pelorian Alakoring?
<<BTW, I searched about Lankst in Web and failed, AFAIK there is not enough knowledge about this Alakoringa Area as Aggar....
(If you expect some elegant article, don't see the list below...)
http://www.poppyware.com/dunham/ror/lankst.html http://www.poppyware.com/dunham/ror/ http://www.btinternet.com/~Nick_Brooke/cons/ger-rq96.htm>>
I don't know how do you think about the neighborhood of Otkorion, and in Valantia, there is Great Temple of Orlanth and is recently induced the Cult of Siglolf from Vesmonstran, but how about the 2nd Age? As you know, in modern 3rd Age, the most powerful Orlanthi hero Garandyar and his lord, Kocholung (and his son? Ardinyar?) live in this area. (KOS)
What do you think about it? And what are the "common" points between Pelorian Alakorings and original Lanksti Alakorings?
Gwandorling Saga 65(Argrath visits Lankst) http://www.celtic-webs.com/glorantha/campaigns/gwandor/saga/gwandor65.html
The warriors of Vesmonstran do not take the heads of brave enemies they
kill, and they burn their dead instead of returning them to Mother Ralia.
They carry turquoise stones as charms against being wounded in battle.
There are temples where the Talking God is scarcely worshipped, and crass
merchants have set up shop, haggling over grain and chicken eggs, and using
the Create Moot spell to hold weekly markets.
Instead of keeping knowledge alive in their heads, priests of the Knowing God try to record it by making black marks on scraped sheep skins. This is like trying to get milk out of a cowhide.
from Delelan Point of View: David Dunham's site>>
From Peter's recent post about Alakoring and Lanksti:
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