From Orlanth Dragonbreaker Subcult, Rule of Pendragon Pass-16, on
Virtues: Generous, Just, Proud, Valorous, "Vengeful".
How Ormsland Inhumanking tricked Alakoring and his relatives 860-880? (unfinished)
(No one knows why Jonagor, Wind Lord and a brother of Saragor Ringseeker didn't come back long after his pilgrimage to the Top of the World and beyond, in fact, many of the household thought he was dead in his long risky journey. But he returned just before his funeral.
But something was different, but many of them didn't know why after his long disappearance, he brought Ormsword, and Delelans didn't want to wed the Lankstan Bitch except this Strange Man, before Alakoring's mother realized she was pregnant, "Jonagor" went to another travel and didn't come back by that turn. (Amphitryon & Zeus?))
The amount of treasure which Alakoring and Jofrain found in the lair of Dream Dragons was vast to convey, but Potameids of Upper Tanier and Doskior were long and old friends of Jofrain, and they helped the Two Heroes to convey secretly the Great Treasury of Mostali from Doskior to one of hidden valley of Lalia River, but one of them warned him to possess it, but Jofrain told them none of Orlanthi could not avoid one's own "wyrd" (More Lanksti Word?) some of them were once Jofrain's lovers, and sobbed for the Doom which waited.
One of Iron Ring Member, Harandos the Mapgrapher, tattooed (magically write a poem?) his back the location of the valley. (Later Deadre unintentionally found the location?) Far-seeker Harandos disliked Alakoring and he said Alakoring would bring doom his Lord, Jofrain.
After Jofrain lost his former wife in sickness of Malia, he met Diadra
Redberry and Fergus Firebreath at the city of Rhianoos, he incognitoly
sought new
trading partner for his tribe and she wanted to make new poem by touching
city people, they met by chance and talked long about many things. He was
impressed with her beauty, her quick wit and her lineage for they talked
about Alakoring and how he had been born. Eventually Jofrain asked her about
the arrange for her marriage and exchanged gold-rings for their friendship.
Vesene Raventongue was vengeful woman and vile Naranarran Priestess, and
had sought to revenge Alakoring since he fled from Delelan Land for her
husband was killed by the wound which Alakoring made in his escape. It was
unfortunate that she was the nurse of King's children. She knew very vile
magic and how to make magic portion to change man's mind.
The King of Delelans, Saragor Ringseeker was very fond of dog-fight induced
from Fronela and High Llama Pass and always showed greedy eyes to imports
from High Lla,ma Pass which Lankstans watched, and he soon heard about
Jofrain possessed
the Gold of Dwarves from his Doskiori Traders. He felt jealous what the
"Wretched" Lankstans got and the two of them secretly plotted to how to
trick them.
When Envoy from Lanksti came to Ormsburg(?), Diadra was very pleased by
that message, but the thanes and nobles of Aringori Household accepted the
gift from Jofrain for another reason and entertained him warmly except one
of them, all of the members of Aringori had different ideas about Jofrain's
proposal of marriage
to King's daughter.
Only Fergus Firebreath only saw through their black heart and openly protested to this idea during his sister Diadre was absent from Clan Hall. But Wyrmblade, the black heart brother of Fergus laughed at his cowardness.
Fergus spoke to his brother,
"It is eternal shame to break our oath to guests and abandon the custom of
"They are not true Orlanthi, so they don't know true way of Greeting and
guest right."
Vesene Raventongue, evil Narnarran priestess said. "And we can erase one of the untrustable enemies by it."
Firebreath said, "Alakoring and Jofrain are too strong for our warriors to confront."
Wyrmblade stated "Can't you? I think you have wanted to fight Alakoring again. And some of famous Humakti from Youf just visit us."
Their King, Ringseeker murmured, "The treasure is rightfully ours. For it was collected by Dream Dragons, Ormskin. But Jofrain stole it under our nose!"
Firebreath said,
"I don't think they will take such trumped-up charge seriously...."
Wyrmblade stated, "By that Gold, we can buy high status in the Center of Empire and gain Higher Position and energy in Future Accelerated Dragon Worship (Though it didn't begin yet).", and added, "I want Alakoring's Ormsword. It is what I most wanted. "
Firebreath protested "Alakoring is very tenacious and vengeful, I have never wanted to anger him or urge his thunder!"
Wyrmblade grinned, "Surely, we must kill him first and for all. Alakoring was bad boy here should be punished for it."
Firebreath realized his protest seemed not to have any impact and fell to despair. But he could not betray his own kinfolk.
When Jofrain greeted the envoy from Kilwin in his stead near of Windy Hill, it was Alakoring who most opposed to the idea to accompany with them in Wedding.
"Always trouble comes from women." Alakoring stated.
And his mother said,
"Their family has not enough dowry to marry with our House of Gold."
"Some of them are too sticky attached to Dragons and abandoned even the way
of Orlanth! I cannot trust even they support the rule of greeting!"
Alakoring condemned.
"Don't say too bad your own relative." Jofrain protested. "I don't care she
hasn't enough dowry for me, I am rich enough to accept her."
Alakoring stated,
"They hate me for my past deed and won't want to make same mistake to make
another lineage as my grand-father once did so. They want only our heads
without body and our treasure, even though we have common with the Sacred
Greeting, I don't think they will keep their promise."
Jofrain silently spoke to Alakoring,
"You talked many about her beauty, why shouldn't I want to get her? I have
never willingly hurted or tricked same Orlanthi as you know, and rather I
want to die for my ideal than live without honor or love. I won't blame you
for it."
Jofrain added,
"If you scared so much them, stay here. I don't need you there and you will
be safe here."
Alakoring sighed and asked to his Lord and his warriors,
"Do you think you are braver than I by participating such foolish
expedition?" Alakoring protested, "All of my kin will condemn me if I
abandon you now willingly meet trouble and danger. All right. OK, I'll go
with you though I know we will meet our doom in the nest of vipors." But
Harandos spoke, "Everyone except you."
And Alakoring added,
"We should equip weapons enough when we 'll go to their hall."
Jofrain asked to his loyal friend,
"How can we reply if someone ask us why we arm in the ceremony of wedding?"
Alakoring replied,
"OK. If someone ask, we will say it is the new fashion induced from
Otkorion Atheists."
They exchanged their swords, Flameless Torch and Ormsword so that his Lord could defend himself easily against Dragon, but Alakoring didn't know it would bring doom his master, which would take his only Token of his missing father. Before they departed, Alakoring asked to his mother,
"Mother, you know I expect worst fate waiting to our visit, where do you
"My son, I want to go and live near of most trustable thing after long and
hard life, our treasure. Humanity is too fickle for me to trust."
"Guard our wealth. But please teach me before we part eternally, who is
truly my father?"
"Your father is Orlanth, as I always said."
(Very Bad Omens on their way to Delela through Vustria, over Doskior, but Heroes destroyed their ships intentionally?)
(We can understand this degenerated style of Draconic Magic. The Trick of Delelans (Elagor: He was later became famous EWF enforcer in Saird?) on this section intent to kill the "Virtuous" (Diadra and Jofrain) and transform them into Draconic Energy. But it was nontheless degraded and therefore never reach to the way to Kapertine or Orvene.)
Three cousins of Alakoring all presented in the Wedding: as a bride, Diadra Redberry, and her brothers Fergus Flamebreath, and Elagor Wyrmsword. Their father and uncle-in-law of Alakoring Saragor Ringseeker didn't want to kill his new son-in-law, but didn't abandon to gain the Gold and High Llama which Jofrain hid somewhere in the River of upper Tanier. And Vesene Raventongue had vile idea for it to extract the secret and location.
Neither Harandos nor Sharmara were not present, and the Broom Jofrain and his Champion Alakoring armed well themselves and watched carefully the Hall, but they could not find any trap because they didn't have any Draconic Discipline, and anyway, any of Delelans didn't want to kill the Lanksti until they could find the location of Treasury, except Vesene, she tried to kill Alakoring during night but he guarded the room hall where Jofrain and Diadra slept in the same bed.
"Alakoring, why did you kill my good husband?"
"Because he insulted my father!"
(Maybe Sword Dance was performed for entertaining (attempt to strike in faint) both side in the Feast. Very Strained.)
The King Saragor tried to poison (of confession?) Jofrain, but Alakoring noticed it and and took his goblet from his hand, Alakoring drank it through his beard, and its draconic poison changed Alakoring further.
Diadra found the secret Tattooed map on the Back of her new Husband, but never reveal to her old family because she already belonged to the Clan of her husband family (Too westernized doctrine?) but her nurse Vesene did worst crime to the girl she brought up for then she and the king demanded the , Vesene poisoned her secretly and the poison broke her feeble perception in the Middle World.
And Lanksti realized the Ormsburg was surrounded by the Warband from the Land of Delelans, Jofrain found the spirit of his wife was lost when her nurse brought his wife to Banquet Hall. And Humakti from Youf encircled the Hall where the Band of Lankst holed up over Doskior River. But they were not frightened and killed many of Delelans escaped from Hall and joined to the warriors outside of the Citadel.
But it was Trap, the Belly (Stomach) was that of Dream Dragon which composed Banquet Hall. In fact, the Citadel of Ormsburg was built by EWF architects from Vindori Denkral, but except few, no one knows it was made with the body of Real Living Dragon as ships of Green Men in Southern Sea. Still some of them knew how to awake the Dragon and how to kill the foolish dogs from Lankst led by Elagor and reluctant Fergus. Elagor ordered his housecarls to ....
And Jofrain and Alakoring seized their King Saragor and told,
"Why do you want to kill us secretly in the pleasant time? What crime can
you do to your own daughter?" Jofrain lamented to his crazy wife who sang in
her mouth.
"The treasure is not yours and rightfully ours for you stole it from
Dwarves and Dream Dragons are our servants."
"What a sophism I have ever heard! We got the Treasure by our rightful
effort and you did only worst crime to Orlanthi Society."
"No longer my daughter belongs to our clan. She is yours. We no longer
obligate to her. Why do we fear the wrath of Orlanth? You are not true
people of Orlanth."
Alakoring didn's speak to him for a while but broke his silence,
"Before I kill you, teach me, who is my true father?"
"Who cares? Your mother is bitch, so must be your father is also the beast
in the Kennel!"
In Anger, Alakoring rushed forward and pierced cruelly the throat of the man who became just his Lord's father-in-law with Fireless Torch, and cut his head and threw it to the Opening clowded with Delelan Warriors.
"Make it to your trophy!"
(Long Fight against Delelans, Lanksti showed great bravery to Delelans but one by one killed, Humakti riding on Wyvern from Saird also killed, finally, only Jofrain and Alakoring survived. Elagor and Fergus was seriously-wounded by them and ony through powerful magic, their wound was healed Wyvern Riders and Dream Dragons were all killed by Lanksti. Many Great Feats.)
Alakoring shouted to his Lord.
"Return the Useless woman! She is useless for us to make hostage to the
inhuman foes."
But Jofrain didn't return her to Delelans.
Lanksti drank the blood of Demi-dragons, Alakoring felt more power from such hideous deed. Finally Fergus could not his brother to resign the idea to use the Trap, and Fire was used in the Dragon Tangled Hall. But Alakoring felt more power from it.
Alakoringa body was guarded by the Blood which he drank from his ?'s Body, though the fire inside of their wedding destroyed all of dowry of his bride and killed all of attendances. (Alakoring tried to save his lord but failed, because his magic saved only jimself against Draconic Pyroflame.)
In flame, Jofrain put on his hand over Alakoring's shoulder and whispered, "Now you are the Swordmaster." Alakoring roared. Diadra died in Flame as her new husband only through madness. Alakoring only survived for finally the fire broke the bottom of the Dragon, Doskior guarded the wounded body of the hero. (Delelans didin't realize long Alakoring escaped from the Inferno.)
"Surely they will pay the price for it." Alakoring grimly murmured.
Harandos Mapgrapher greeted to him and offered his help, and taught him
where Elagor and his family came.
The Power of Flame, Inhuman King of Ormsland agreed to help Elagor to carry the God beyond Rockwood for extremely cheap price for Unknown reason. Their Dragonsflew to Lalia where Derdra found the map on her husband's back, burned any of guards on the way and killed Sharmara where the Treasure of Vustria for she greedly guarded the valley with her bodyguards. But such number of many wyverns and Orpspawns, it took long to carry all of the vast amount of Gold and Precious Metals through over Rockwood.
When Alakoring closed his mother, she managed to live until he came.
"Who is my father?" Alakoring asked his dying mother.
"Stop! Alakoring. Your mother is already dead!" Mapgrapher stopped him.
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