At 06:01 AM 5/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>From: Chris Lemens <>
>Erg. Beware the unconscious gregging. Are you aware
>that there is something of a consensus on the list
>that at least a significant minority (highly likely a
>plurality and probably a majority; in any case, your
>"average" elf) of elves have only something that woud
>be more fairly called participation in a group
>consciousness than an individual consciousness?
:) It would not be the first time that the list majority was in conflict
with my thoughts. :)
In fact, the issue of elf consciousness is going to be securely settled by
Shannon Appel, who has been commissioned to write the HQ Aldryami
supplements. He and I have extensively determined the official answers to
this. I am very happy with the results.
>think the consensus was that they vary across the
>range from totally immersed in the Song (to the point
>of failing to understand which is their Voice) all the
>way over to totally deaf to the Song. Along the way,
>you get "can hear the song, and knows which voice is
>which"; "can hear the song, knows which is mine"; "can
>hear the song, can leave the song temporarily"; "can
>hear the song, can leave the song for long periods,
>can change the key that the entire song sings"; etc.
Interesting. I think you will all be surprised and pleased with the result,
when it is out. In the mean time, YGMV and do what you want.
Greg Stafford,
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