From Greg Stafford Interview:
<<I asked to GS about Hendreik Larnsti Society and Sartar.) Larnste = a "High Power" or a mystical concept that is not worshipped. Nonetheless, some holy places are still know where sacrifices are made to Larnste to obtain a special power form that place. But it has no cult, no initiates, etc.
The Hendrik cult is an exception. Hendrik was a special case, not an ordinary cult. He is special because his cult is so unique. His connections to the Larnste cult come from the fact Larnste's critical events occurred here. It is one of those "Special cases" I mentioned.
There are AT LEAST two Void Holes in the Glorantha, Magasta's Pool and the Syphon River Pit. Both of them work with the same core story of the watter reversing its flow to "fill the void." This whos the "universal nature" of this story: that water seems to flow into an empty place. (He showed Large Map of Heortland to me, I can find literally Great Large Footprintstamp over Syphon River...)>>
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