Dear Jerome:
Below is my graffiti translated from my post to Japanese HW List, I don't know you want to use it or not for your future Pamaltela Memo, but I think Artmali and Blue Moon are very important for explanation to Pamaltela (and one of good inducing source for Genertela Visitors to this land, see Veldt Trek in Tales):
<<1: About Blue Moon
If I was asked what is the strangest and most unique mythology in
Glorantha, I might personally choose the mythology of Moon(s). (And the man
is very fond of questionable tales...)
The celestial body "Blue Streak" which controls tide of the ocean in
Glorantha is very unique. (If you want to know detail of it, please see the
notes below)
I should mention here most important source about it as "Troll Gods" of
Avalon Hill RQ 3rd Edition, but it became already out of print.
In this old book, Blue Moon invaded Sky World with Lorian (Sky River God) and later, kicked out from it by Orlanth as if it had been a football.
Gloranthan Various Celestial Bodies (English)
Blue Moon Plateau (English)
Stellar FAQ, Question No. 7
Prosopaedia: Annilla
The most famous (notorious) society in Genertela is the ally of Lunars, trolls of Blue Moon Plateau. Some says that they are conncted to Jakareel the Witch (one of Seven Mothers.) (AFAIK, there is a trollball team from there, those who were banned to join in the season of Dagori Inkarth since they have won a game using invisibility magic...(Uz: Unspoken Word))
Most known deed for them is the assassination of all high classes of EWF under the request from dragonewts. (I don't know what is the RW source for these attractive trolls, maybe from Ismailli of Alamut? See Amin Maalouf's "Samarkand"(or old "Dragon Warriors" set for "Legend" background by Dave Morris & Oliver Johnson) or my own image about Tibetan Buddhists.)
2: History of Shipbuilding in Glorantha
(I don't know why Joerg Baumgartner was tempted to include Artmali in his
thread for it in HW Mailing List)
There is several strange people who worships Blue Moon, which possesses mysterious power of it. In Storm Age, the God Artmal who founded Enormous Empire across Pamaltela was called the son of Blue Moon Vendara, it is said that he descended from the Moon over Flying Ship. (Or as Joerg imagined, it might connected to Moonships of modern Lunar Empire. But it can be driven only by Yestendos Cult of Darjiin in Glorantha: Introduction to HW (Perhaps Alkothi doesn't like it...and tried to destroy them if it is safe to do so....))
It seems that Zaranstagi living in Melib Island located south of Teshnos also worshipped Blue Moon, but they were destroyed by the Army of Godlearner Empire of Emperor Svagad.
On reference of Greg's usual dubious myth (haha), once Artmal gave his own Sword to the God of Trowjang Tolat, and it is said that it later became the one of factor of Artmal's downfall. Recently, IIRC, the Sword is possessed by the ruler of Melib, Harstar.
Blue People
3: Thinobutu
The people who lives in Maslo Coast like Elamle and Flanch and the people in
Kimos using powerful (but strange) Earth Elemental magic had a set of
mythology different from the people of Agimori and Veldang living in
neighbor land. (Though they have similar physical feature to Agimori) It is
said that once they lived in a peaceful island over the ocean which now sunk
under the wave, and they fled from it and the invasion of monsters.
These each variety of people have a set of mythology different from each other on detail, but have similar outline for it. If you want to know more about it, please see below. (Or please read "Revealed Mythologies")
Myth of Gengera
4: Aside from these Blue Moonies, there are Yranian Leapers who worships Red Moon Yran (maybe it is same to Rufelza) in Fonrit, but I don't know whether it is linked to Lunar Empire or not. >>
> This is about your notes:
> > <<Possible Contents about Diversity of Area Notes:
> >
> > Areas of Pamaltela:
> > Glorantha: ITHW
> >
> > Humans
> > Agimori Black Beauty of Glorantha:
> > Left Hand Path & Right Hand Path (Jolar & Arbennan: Tales
> > #11, John Hughes)
> In Missing Lands, there is information on the Doraddi as well, which
> appear in the Tales #11 article.
> > Mysterious People of Tarien
> Missing Lands
> > Kresh Empire of Kothar (Missing Land)
> > (Far Place: Prax &Pithdaros)
> The following are minor groups of Agimori:
> Men-and-a-Half Agimori (River of Cradles). I suppose there are some of
> in the Southern plains.
> Swamp Folk (Missing Lands: Kothar) in the Sozganjio swamp.Their migration
> here was led by Pan Chaku in the 1st age.
> 'Fort People' (Ia Rawthi) in Dolorofey (Tales #11).
> Exigers, warlike tribes who live in the Mari mountain (Missing Lands:
> Although they almost sound as a sect.
> > Thinobutu: The Island under the Wave (Revealed Mythologies)
> > Kimos, Onlaks & Elamle
> & Thinokos and the Kumanku Islands (see Missing Lands: Maslo, Kumanku,
> Fonrit).
> > Fonrit: the Land of Slaves (Enclosure #2, Missing Land &
> > Revealed Mythologies)
> See also Peter Metcalfe's article on the Fonrit magic.
> > Land of Laskal: Violence Land??
> Why do you think Laskal is the Violence Land?
> > Umathela: 9 Lightbringers David Dunham's Site
> > (Sedalpism Malkioni, Cult of Silence, Yranian Leapers)
> The Yranian Leapers disappeared after 1331. I doubt some of their sect
> exist except as an exception. They're supposed to come back in the Hero
> The Sedalpists are the most important religion, but not so much. The
> Umathelan city-states are henotheists.
> Finally there are Hsunchen in Pamaltela (the Fiwan of Revealed
> Rare and scattered Pygmy and other human tribes live in the Errinoru
> (Missing Lands) Some worship the Spider spirit according to the Aranea
> writeup in Troll Gods. I don't know if they are true Hsunchen, despite the
> writeup saying so.
> > Other races
> > Blue Moon eccentric People: Troll Gods, Book of Drastic
> > Resolution: Darkness, Tales #11, Veldet Trek
> They are blue, but they are humans.
> >
> > Elves
> > Errinoru the Greatest Nonhuman Sailor of Glorantha: Elder
> > Secret of Glorantha, Missing Land
> > (Other Elves of Umathela)
> >
> > Dwarves
> > Slon: The Greatest Domain of Mostali Decamony (Elder
> > Secret)
> > Dwarven Heresy
> >
> > Trolls
> > Muri people of Moorgarki (Elder Secrets, Troll Gods)
> & Uzko clans of the Tarmo Mountains (Elder Secrets).
> > Merfolk
> > Empire of Terthinus: Malasp of Dashomo (Missing Land)
> > Kingdom of Estengitrox: Ludoch of Maslo (Missing Land)
> >
> > Other Minor Important races
> > Vadeli, Empire of New Orbil
> Usually, the Vadeli are considered as humans, despite their bad
> > Waertagi, Avengers of Underworld
> GITTHW, Wyrms Footprints, Missing Lands. The only Pamaltelan Waertagi
> i know of are the Edrenlin Islands, in Missing Lands p. 81.
> > The Empire of Wongarrisi, Slarge
> > Gorger of Kimos, Demon Race (Elder Secret)
> > Lascerdan Extinct Race of Reptile (Elder Races)
> > Remnants of Early Pamalt People: Hoolar, Jelmar & Pelmre
> The Pelmre are rumoured to be another name for the Slarges (Revealed
> Mythologies: Pamaltelan Glossary).
> In addition to Elder Secrets, the Glorantha Bestiary is a useful resource
> Slarges, Gorgers, Jelmre, etc.
> + the Swamp goblins (red elves) and the Murthoi
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