Julian & Alex:
> > agree when Greg says no-one can go back there. Strange meditation
> > practises can IMO take you to places where not only does individual
> > consciousness not exist (Green Age Mind), but even Collective
> > Consciousness nor any perception of Being whatsoever (Black Age
> > Mind) : but you CAN come back from that place, [...]
> Well, it would be a reasonably generalisation to say that elimination
> of all consciousness in that sense was, generically, the objective of
> "mystical" practices. (Insert exceptions and caveat to taste.) I'm
> not sure these exercises are what would normally be described as
> "HeroQuests" mind you (though, what's with normal, anyway). And
> (also
> generically), one would not normally actually wish to _return_ from
> such a state at all.
> Whether this state of Cosmic Unconsciousness can be identified with
> an
> age, as a GL (or someone else) would conceptualise it is the trickier
> part, though, for me.
Mashunasan explicitly says that mythical ages are incorrect perceptions of states of consciousness, so from a mystic PoV this kind of identification is both true and utterly false IMO.
IIRC the transition to universal nonconsciousness is misconceived as the Dogsalu War, i.e. the conflict that ended the Creation Cycle (Green Age). Mashunasan does not acknowledge any consciousness states that would correspond to a blue or black age.
End of Glorantha Digest
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