Greg's HeroQuest Challenge

From: Gianfranco Geroldi <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 05:30:21 -0700 (PDT)

> It would be in context. It could be used in a game.
> could be tested, in Glorantha, for its veracity,
using the HeroQuest
> Challenge. A HeroQuest adventure would be to test
> I would love to see this happen more. I occasionally
tire of people
> to convince me (or each other) of the truth in
Glorantha. I would
love to
> see these things presented as a Gloranthan document
and then put into
> HeroQuest context for testing.

I don't know if this qualifies, but one of the themes in my HW/HQ campaign involves a sort of Orenoar Disciple guy trying to challenge/denounce his Illusion Rune ontological nemesis, with the heroes as spectators, actors and allied (the year is 1619).

A pity the majority of you can't spell my native language, since the logs/documents related to my campaign aren't in English. When the plot will be more developed, I could try and translate it
(Unless Julian offers himself for the job, in the meantime ;)).



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