>Personally I find it hard enough to turn out a decent Glorantha-level
>document corresponding to things I (think I) _do_ understand. Doing
>it for things I'm pretty sure I don't is all the harder.
My point exactly, though.
Using Julian's example again: if he presented a GL document to prove his
point then it would be right or wrong depending on its merits in the game.
>From: "Julian Lord" <julian.lord_at_wanadoo.fr>
>Which begs the question : what would one call a Gloranthan magician
>who used mind tricks/hypnosis/hallucination/Light powers/Smoke
>and Mirrors/whatever to create false and unreal things that disappeared
>with a wave of the hand, a gust of wind, etc ?
Prestidigitator? Entertainer?
>but the deepest conceptually meaningful problem (I think) is that
>the statement "A nonsubjective Truth exists" (essentially meaning,
>"Truth is Truth") is a subjective statement, and therefore (at least
>partially) False.
Yes, absolutely. This is the point of mysticism: you can never actually
know it, just experience it.
>> This would have
>> to be an Absolute Truth, which is a mystical concept, and as such is
>> (be definition) beyond the ken of mere mortals (who are, by
>> definition, finite.)
>Absolute Truth isn't a mystical concept from the GL POV, although it
>_is_ a mystical essence. Including Greg's normal use of the word
If it is not a mystical concept, then therein lies the essential error of
the GL.
>From: Chris Lemens <chrislemens_at_yahoo.com>
>Certainly. Just tell us all the God Leaerner secret,
>so that we can go write nice HeroQuest Challenges from
>a God Learner point of view. ;->
>From: Andrew Barton <AndrewBarton_at_compuserve.com>
>> > Don't the Buddhists have examples of people who have achieved
>> > but have chosen to return to help people here? =
>> Buddha, for one ... ;-)
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