>How would a Gloranthan (let's say a Heortling, a
>Lunar, a Praxian,as Malkioni) refer to the "actual" or
>"material" world/plane if he wants to define it in
>contrast to the heroplane/godplane/spirit plane/adept
IMO A Praxian would refer to the mortal world as the Greatlands (which is the same as Prax and the Wastelands). Outside the Greatlands are the Outlands which a Praxian wouldn't consider to be part of the mortal world.
The Lunars following on Solar terminology might call it the Earthworld/ Lowerworld as opposed to the Sky World/Upper World/Fire World. The Surface World (between the Sky World and Underworld is also used. If they prefer the cosmology of their goddess, then they would use Material World (as opposed to the World of Gods and the Mystical World).
The Malkioni would know it as the Fifth World (i.e. the World created by the Fifth Divine Action, Malkion's Sacrifice) but the Mundane Plane or the Human Plane are also used.
Thunder Rebels uses Mortal World on p131 and Inner World on p134. World) in Thunder Rebels p131.
--Peter Metcalfe
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