> >>That's Recreation/Resurrection, which is not quite Creation.
> >
> > Hero Wars pg. 162 describes the rune as "Creation, Rebirth."
> On http://www.glorantha.com/library/corerunes.html it is
> Recreation. Elsewhere I have seen resurrection. So, altogether
> I think this indicates it is intended as re-creation, rather
> than "original" creation.
What's the difference ?
(Answer : accepting the GL model as The One True Glorantha. Or not)
In GL Core Rune terms, there's no meaningful difference between First Creation, Re-Birth, Re-Creation, Resurrection, your First Game of HW and your Next Game of HQ. Res e nihilo.
In philosophical terms, the Rune IS the answer to the question : Why is there Something instead of Nothing ?
Including all rationalisations thereof.
Which is a mystical definition, but also a GL one.
From a GL POV, it is also the _Creator_ Rune, and one of the IG's Personal Runes. Don't get me started ...
Julian Lord
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