my next painting works are going to be lunar peltasts and earth cultists.
About the lunar peltasts, I ve made the choice to use thracian tribal warriors, essentially because they got that first quarter moon shaped shield. For what i remember from thunder rebel, those troups are good at pursuit and ambushes and (here i m not sure) close to what miniatures wargamers call "irregular" troops. The question is do they wear an uniform like dress ? I wonder, because i do not figure thoses men dressed in red and preparing ambushes in the woods. Are they more like bush rangers in dressing principle ? (wearing disparate clothes and a red piece of tissue around the neck ?) dressed in green and brown ? are just the shields reds and other clothes in different colors ? any idea is welcome. Of course there s probably a lot of different peltasts units, but if you want to choose one as the "this is what the peltasts of the red army look like for me", please say it.
About Maran Gor and Babeester Gor : I m going to use viking shields maiden, replacing round shields by square ones and replacing swords by axes. Because i m not at home, i can t look in my books to answer to this question : what is the difference beetween maran and babeester. All i can remember is babeester got "axe maiden" cultists and for what i remember is more an esrolian cult, and that Maran cultists got maces and axes and that i m sure there s some in tarsh (shaker temple). so, second question is : what is the main difference between those two cults.
Also, what are the geographical "zone " where u find those, and which one is the more numerous (in cultists).
I remember that maran high priestes are pretty fat, are the babeester ones fat too ?
Last question is do you have an idea of those cults main color ? (like yellow for yelm, red for lunar and blue for orlanthi). I can t choose between blue (linked to orlanthi pantheon) and red (pretty bloody cult)... so far i was thinking for brown, but i m not very sure.
Oh, i forgot, which ones of maran's or babeester's cultists are red haired women ?
Thanks for any help.
PS : just a question : if i see difference between glo digest and hw rules list, i don t know what is difference between hw list and glo digest.... if this post would fit better on HW list, please say it and explain why, thx.
Gregory Privat
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