>And Black Horse County and aeolian finally lost their Arkatiness out of
>older version unofficial Glorantha...
The Arkatism of Black Horse County came from the Genertela Book p58 where a temple to Arkat is mentioned.
>What is Malkioni?
At the broadest, I would say that any religion that claims descent from the Land of Logic is a Malkioni religion. This applies even though the religion might use non-sorcerous magic (Carmanians, Vadeli).
>Is there possibility that Arkat was a sort of Dark Mystic like Sheng
>Seleris? )
I don't think he was.
>Original Malkioni wasn't so intolerant to pagan worship, rather indifferent
>to their errorsity.
Or rather they considered that paganism among the peasantry could not be eradicated but merely controlled. It was the God Learners who showed otherwise.
--Peter Metcalfe
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