It leered, screaming at me in some ancient and unhuman tongue. Karis flew into my grasp, raised to cut the monster if it advanced. I glimpsed violet, pupil-less eyes. Pale green-brown skin, knotted and rough, intergrown with shining sheets of copper. Otherness. A burnished axe festooned with grisly trophies-scalps, genitalia, finger bones.
°ˆA Mreli. Earth Guardian. Pure with Death.ˆ°
It's great that this topic has come up. The physical appearance of Gloranthans really doesn't get enough attention, and It's been occupying my attention much of late as I've struggled with my first Heortling 3D figures and questions like: 'clan tartans - yes, no maybe, like what?', 'torcs - silver, iron or tin?' and the perennial: 'Fighting Ernaldans: dresses vs sensible woollies?'
I've not too much to add to what has already been said. I very much like the idea of small square shields. For me, Earth colours are primarily rich autumn reds, coppers, red browns and greens, together with your more usual by products of madder and woad. Nysalora-come-lately doesn't have a monopoly on red, nor is it confined to vingans.
I think of Ernaldan 'fashion' as delighting in geometric, figurative designs of plants, animals and humans as well as the more usual runes. Hair styles are usually simple, married women wearing their hair in braids. There is a very precise tribal code that details marital and cultic status by the way you set your hair. I see BB Gori as making more use of limed hair and wild hairstyles such as mohawks to signify their umm liminal status, while Maran Gori will tend to go for richly oiled tresses.
The Maran Gor rune is the divided earth rune: I'm sure this 'division' motif would feature in other ways in clothing and decoration as well. Ditto for BB's 'razor rune'.
Have a nice night.
nysalor_at_iprimus.com.au John HughesQuestlines: http://home.iprimus.com.au/pipnjim/questlines/
And if the earthly no longer knows your name, Whisper to the silent earth: I'm flowing. To the flashing water say: I Am.
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