Richard Crawley:
> While we're on the subject of using figures for Gloranthan warriors,
> whatever happened to the Tiger Sons from RQ2?
We call 'em Hsa, or "Tiger Hsunchen" these days, is what.
> I have a figure of a bipedal tiger-man which I think is one from one of the
> old GW Runequest boxed sets. Where are Tiger Sons to be found (Kralorela?)
The Shan-Shan mountain region in general, including the area bordering Fethlon (to be picky).
> and could I reasonably use one in, say, a Wolf Pirates army? I seem to
> remember seeing a picture of one in an RQ3 era booklet.
There's nothing at all reasonable about Wolf Pirates armies. :-|
A tiger hsunchen would be at the highish end of the 'unusual' spectrum, but Wolf Pirates are known to include 'unusuals'. If you're using points-valued miniature rules, I'd suggest a modest "surcharge" was in order.
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