>Me> At the broadest, I would say that any religion that claims descent
> > from the Land of Logic is a Malkioni religion. This applies even
> > though the religion might use non-sorcerous magic (Carmanians,
> > Vadeli).
>I don't know what you say that Vadeli use other type of magic aside from
>Sorcery...Revealed Mythologies?
I'm thinking that the Vadeli use underworld magics instead of sorcerous magics.
>Trot> Technically, anybody who follows Malkion's teaching is Malkioni. This
> > is not say that all Malkioni will agree that all other Malkioni are
> > deserving of the term, of course! In practice, it's at least as vague as
> > the term 'Orlanthi' incorporating Heortlings, Esrolians and many others
> > besides.
>Then Vadeli is not Malkioni.
It depends on how they interpret Malkion's teaching.
>And some of them (Carmanians?) forget how they
>did accurately call "Malkion". Fronalako or Malakinus...
Which makes little difference. Most Christians don't know how to spell the name of their founder correctly.
>Official HW Rule states that Carmanians are not Malkioni.
The HW rules say nothing of the sort. All that it says is that the tradition detailed in the rules is true for the "majority of Malkioni lands" HW:RiG p167 and that other sorcerous traditions operate differently. Hence a sorcerous sect can operate differently than in the rules and still be Malkioni.
>Veneration...HW 1st Rule p.168. But "veneration is related to the learning
>of sorcery, it does not necessarily endorse it."
>IMHO the meaning of English "Veneration" is vague... If Mostali use
>Veneration....as Brithini (and Vadeli and Waertagi, other "atheists".)
Atheistic sects do not venerate. The Waertagi do, but the "Brithini" of Sog City, Arolanit and God Forgot do not.
--Peter Metcalfe
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