GROY: written by Plentonius (GROY p.2)
Yelmgatha's List: Found in the Library of Alkoth, FS depends on it as a
source. (FS p.5)
War of the Many Suns (GROY p.26, FS p.9, 95)
Darjiin (SurEnslib, Manimat, Yestendos, Moonboat) versus Alkoth Shargash of Dara Happa) is another important factor for understanding the "difference".
Shargash Reign (GROY p.36) and Attack of Eleventh to Raibanth (FS p.10) If you are a resident of Raibanth, the end of your city = the end of the world.
Yelm's ReAscent
Khordavu's Enthronement (GROY p.60)
or Sunstop? (FS p.20)
Stupid (Lists before FS, see latter pages of FS appendix p.91and Greg's
of DH Army) vs Martyr, Lord of War (FS p. 23 Lunarized POV)
<<Anirestyu is one of the worst emperors ever to rule Dara Happa. His faults have been variously attritued to his father's idiocy, bad prayer diction, bad planetary allignment, Antirius having blinked, his sexual habits, his eating habits, his preference for literature instead of prayer, and his mother's toiletry habits. Everything that he did was a failure and so the enemy army marched into Dara Hapa. He couldn't even dfend Nysalor - perhaps he even betrayed the good god to the enemy.
Knowledgable People Know This, too
Everything that "everyone knows" is a lie concocted to explain what happened
to the empire to make it fall.
The Fortunate Succession reveals a more sympathetic view.>>
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