I've gotta start using this. At work there are a couple other foreigners
who I can relate with on things the Germans can't. One is Iranian and
one Polish, but under the Germans we are all the same and we seem
to feel closer than with them.
This could apply to various different minorities living in Pavis, for
When Germans see someone with dark skin or hair, or hear a
foreign accent, or see someone who somehow seems different they
assume the person is a Turk. Such persons may be Arabs, Slavs,
whatever else, or even Germans with dark hair, but they are all
assumed to be Turks. So, I'm a Turk and if the Turkish team wins
the WM then my team wins.
>>I also respond to You Bastard, "you" being the Praxian equivalent
>>of "mister".
>It's also a good way of insulting one's officer, as in "The scout, You
>Bastard, tells us that there are between 45 and 4.5 million Sable riders
>over the hill, Sir!"
Did anyone ever find out just how many there actually were? We'll share a skin of termite schnaps at Convulsion.
>Last : at last tentacle, someone was going to run a miniatures
>game set in Big Rubble but i think it was at same time as Tarsh
>Wars (All Hail the memory of the Char Un commander who
>died with honnor on the field !) I remember your face, but not
>your name... could you please contact me?
Roderick ran this game once or twice.
>> "The French they are a funny race, they fight with their feet
>>and they..."
>"...f**k with their face."
Thanks Nick, but I only left out those last words to be polite, not because I don't know them. What I'm after is the other lines of the piece. I seem to remember having heard more of it once or twice, but very long ago from persons long gone. I don't remember whether it continued on about the French or went on to include lines for maybe Brits and/or Germans, or whatnot.
End of Glorantha Digest
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