A whole bunch. More than 45 at any rate. And they were Impala, not Sable. Fortunately the group decided not to attack, so I didn't have to try to run a combat under the circumstances. (Very many sheets to the wind - David Hall and myself put away three bottles of wine between the two of us - I think. Everyone eles was drinking beer, and there were at least three runs to the bar with the company kitty...)
For those of you that are totally lost, I ran a very silly (well, it really didn't start out that way, but...) game at Tentacles where the players were Lunar cavalry in Corflu and were tasked to rescue the settlers up the River of Cradles. With David hall as the Lieutenant, and Rick Meintz and Nick Brooks as the Sargeants, normalcy didn't last past the opening line: "Okay, you're a cavalry troop in Corflu..." "Oh, geeze, the butthole of the world, we must really be a group of f*ckups!". The inestimable Mr Fahey was roped in when I needed a native scout, and did a wonderful job as You Bastard, the Newtling Sable Rider, especially with our "Grizzled Veteren of the Plains Wars" 'interpreting' for him. The numerical inconsistancy of the Impala riders was due to newtlings using base 3 (only three fingers), and Daniel's wonderful counting.
Oh, and if anyone reading was in the other games trying to run in the cafeteria, I apologize for the noise...
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