>While we are on the subject of Western Mountains and the Uz... Does
>anyone know the current (1620s) status of Xemstown, a Third Age troll
>colony in Jonatela? If it was abandoned/exterminated what were the
>circumstances and when did it happen?
I originally thought it was that minor bit of land still under the ban near the Jonating Capital, Okarnia. But now I think that was the first noble to revolt from the Jonating King in the pre-ban days.
Xemstown, AFAIK, is in the Nidan Mountains west of Mount Nida itself. It was largely cut off by the ban from Jonatela and the two have been slow to re-establish communications. When Jar-Eel is part of the Legion of Infants on a Moonboat descending from Nida to Fronela, the boat is attacked by Uz (Glorantha: Intro p104). Those Uz are from Xemstown IMO.
--Peter Metcalfe
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