Let me start my response with a quote from the Hero Site:
"We ask that you do not discuss particulars of these
texts on mailing lists, usenet groups or other mediums."
That seems pretty clear to me. Obviously, Issaries is not expecting people to forget the information and have some mental "edit mode" running all the time when we are discussing Glorantha. I think the solution is simple.
What's so hard about doing that ?
If I state that Delecti is actually Rick Meints because the GTA Hero site has a story on it, shame on me...
If I state that I believe that I am Delecti, nobody's going to shut me up...
One of the things nobody wants is to have an "I know more than you" or "I know something you shouldn't know" attitude ruining this list. People lording their access to "insider" information over other people is a potentially very destructive thing. We had a hard enough time getting out of the "quote out-of-print obscure material" problems of the past. Let's not start it again with GTA information.
As for members not having enough info to learn and discuss...
Surely the other 2000+ pages of in-print
Gloranthan material should be enough to
last anyone, especially a newbie, for
years and years. Even the Lankhor Mhy
library stuff on the Issaries site would
take quite some time to digest, let alone
what's on paper.
Chris sayeth:
I agree that Graham shouldn't be a policeman. I also still feel strongly that people shouldn't quote GTA material, especially if citing it as their source.
Lastly, I don't think anyone wants to knowingly violate the spirit of the agreement to keep the GTA material a special benefit of helping Issaries financially. Nobody is calling for anybody's blood and we all have better things to worry about.
Nuff said,
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