Hello all!
In celebration of the Summer Solstice, I'm very excited to announce the opening of the new Different Games web site at http://differentgames.onestop.net
Please visit us if you feel that burning need to grab a heroquest for your next game. Check out material from the publisher of Codex, the author of Gaumata's Vision, Arlaten the Magus, The Ostrich Tribe and many other bits of Gloranthan and Pendragon material.
Is your Heortling clan running out of milk? Broke from Lunar taxes? Then try the Butter Cow Quest!
Tired of the Orlanthi and the Humakti getting all the cool heroquests? Check out The Tower of Ivory, a quest for Lhankor Mhy scholars.
Different Games is a new take on game publishing. We'll develop and electronically publish Hero Wars/HeroQuest compatible material that Issaries, Inc. doesn't have the interest or capacity to publish. Glorantha is big, and there's room for more than any one publisher can handle.
Different Games products are distributed electronically as RTF and PDF files, keeping costs down and allowing "stand alone" publishing, so you can pick and choose the products you want. And it's easy to update material to include errata or bring it in line with new rules.
Also (as far as I know) a first in the gaming industry: Satisfaction
If you don't think the quest or scenario you buy from us is worth what you
paid, you get a refund. See the site for details.
All sorts of plans are afoot for the Different Games web site. Forums, polls on upcoming products, GM resources, and that's just the start.
My apologies if you receive this email (or read it on a forum) more than once.
Thanks for your time, and Happy Solstice!
Mike Dawson,
Owner, Publisher, Writer
Different Games
"Anything different is good" -- Phil, Groundhog Day
Glorantha and the Glorantha Trading Association are trademarks of Issaries, Inc. HeroQuest and Hero Wars are trademarks of Issaries, Inc. Issaries is a registered trademark of Issaries, Inc.
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