> > I don't think Pamalt is crucial to Life. Noruma, Aleshmara and
> > Cronisper have the same relationship with Amuron
>Surely I'd better say "all Pamaltela" instead of Pamalt. This is the
>pulsation of Langamul which is crucial to Life.
But I don't think that Pamaltings feel a pulsation of life inside themselves and call it Langamul. They have spirits but they wouldn't call it Langamul.
> > [Pamalt's] not the first person - that was Noruma.
>Ok, he's first "I am". He was a person only after he knew who the
>others were.
I think it better to say that he became a person after the others named him.
> > I think it better to state that Adorators cannot be Shamans but that
> > raises the question of what Shamans are supposed to be? Adorators of
> > the Horned Serpent?
>Maybe stuff about shamans was too obviously a big blank in my
>last post... But i had no idea.
Looking it up further, I see that Adoration is listed as part of the Norumic Traditions that also include Penance and Transformation (Revealed Mythologies p49). So it seem to me that Shamans adore, suffer at the hands of the Bad Man and become transformed.
What I'm not grokking, I suppose, is the cosmologicial nature of the Shaman's status. Is his ability to separate his spirit from his body the result of his spiritual integration of Dead Earthmaker? If so, can one be a Shaman dedicated to another Great Spirit?
>I think shamans can show the other world to other people so that they
>can experience it. Adorators cannot do that, they can only help others
>get the experience by themselves.
I'm not so sure. Holy people and sacred chiefs can open paths to the Otherworld and they appear to be Adorators.
>Amuron is a disembodied entity, so in order to deal with it shamans
>must leave their body and this is dangerous.
But apparently so too are the other Great Spirits (Pamalt, Waha etc).
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest
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