> > But I don't think that Pamaltings feel a pulsation of life inside
> > themselves and call it Langamul. They have spirits but they wouldn't
> > call it Langamul.
>They probably feel it at every Sacred Time.
Given that the Orlanthi don't feel the Silence every sacred time, I'm less convinced.
> > If so, can one be a Shaman dedicated to another Great Spirit?
>All spirits are parts of Dead Earthmaker.
I don't think this is a useful statement. There's a clear hierarchy of difference between disembodied spirits, great spirits/giants and earth maker. Saying that these are all parts of the Dead Earthmaker doesn't help us in ascertaining whether a Shaman can be dedicated to another Great Spirit or not.
> > >Amuron is a disembodied entity, so in order to deal with it shamans
> > >must leave their body and this is dangerous.
> > But apparently so too are the other Great Spirits (Pamalt, Waha etc).
>Well, if this has nothing to do with Amuron being disembodied, then
>maybe the distinction comes from that only shamans can leave the
>sacred burning circle, possibly when their community faces unusual
>situations, and bring the right spirit to deal with it and fix it.
But other animists can leave the sacred burning circle to go onto the Spirit World.
--Peter Metcalfe
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