Having had my interest peeked by the Tusk Rider stuff. I hvae been reading up on the little pig squealers. What is the take on the Earth Goddess that summons Gouger into the world? I am inclined to believe that this could be somthing to do with Ana Gor and Sorana Tor, my reasoning is that the Bloody Sacrifices of the Ivory Plinth and the Appease Earth ritual of the Bloody Tusk seem very similar to the magic of Ana Gor, which in turn were derived from Gouger. Another option may be Maran Gor, although Gouger would then have looked more like an apatosaur or somthing ;-). Do the Tusk Riders see themselves as worshippers of this Goddess? Is she bound up within their religion at all, or just an excuse for blood shed?
On the theme of Tusk Brothers, I think it would be a shame to loose them, in my Glorantha they are Sacred, children of Gouger born in Tusk Rider form with the ability to return to the form of great Tusk Boars. They are more like swan maidens than Hsunchen, that is they are part of the magical nature of Dragon Pass and environs, a relic of the EWF. What do people think??
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