>It has been stated, in various places, that ogres are almost
>indistinguishable from humans in Glorantha, however there are many different
>racial subtypes of humans in Glorantha including Agimori, Waertagi, Vadeli,
>Blues, various Hsunchen, etc.
>Do ogres come in these subtypes as well?
IMO, yes. Aside from anything else, if they were all (say) wareran,
they'd be pretty easy to distinguish from 'normal humans' in most parts
of Pamaltela. Or the orient, for that matter. Which would rather spoil
the point of them :-)
>Is ogre subtype determined by human parent in cases of interbreeding?
Equally determined by both, I'd suspect. And remember, humans who engage
in cannibalism can transform into ogres (Anaxial's Roster p.181), and
they'd obviously keep their original 'race'.
>Are ogres fertile with other races such as mermen, elves, or trollkin?
No. Indeed, the correct term for cannibalistic trollkin is 'perfectly
normal' :-)
-- Trotsky Gamer and Skeptic ------------------------------------------------------ Trotsky's RPG website: http://www.ttrotsky.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ --__--__-- End of Glorantha Digest
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