I agree. Wareran ogres seem to generally come from other ogres, andform family groups that carry on the Cacodemon creed through generations, in secret.
Other ogres probably differ. Shadows on the Borderland gives us one alternate ogre life cycle - children of succubi/incubi. In other places this might be more prevalent. There are also humans who become ogres through cannibalism.
I think the Agimori ogre population can usually be linked to stories where succubi/incubi are involved with particular incidents of forbidden lust/passion. Ogres are not just wandering monsters, but every ogre you encounter is part of a particular story. There is no ogre cult as such, though they are often associated with Seseine, as children of forbidden lust and secret seducers.
There are probably also Agimori cannibal cults as well - leopard people cults, for example? I see these as less Doraddi and more Laskal etc, or jungle cults.
Kralorelan ogres likely arise from commerce with forbidden spirits - not necessarily spirits of lust, but also spirits that offer pleasures forbidden by the Emperor and that offer secret paths to personal power. Cannibalism being one such possibility.
Western Ogres I see largely as 'devils children', children born to wicked parents who have commerce with devils. Those various unnaturally strong and vicious knights that are found throughout Mallory, for example, could well be ogres, as could the various black magicians born into evil heresies.
Does the Wastes Cannibal Cult give rise to ogres? Are cults similar to the Cannibal Cult around in other cultures?
Is any group so debased that those who transform into ogres must not hide the change? Does the Kingdom of War include a cannibal cult ogre legion?
Cheers David
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