"Mythology is a simplification of trouble to make easy for
understanding."(Some Malkioni?)
"Where can I gain "glue" Spirit Magic for fixing bridges of High Llama
Pass?" (Old RQ 3rd / Beginner HW player reaction to the great change of
Spirit Magic.)
Remnants of Old Good Glorantha.
IMHO, while Greg is good Orlanthi, he thinks Compromise between his World and Rule System is Good Thing, but he thinks that is bad while he is in DH Mood....swinging.
Jerome tries to write about Pamaltela for beginners....FWIW, I don't know whether such approach is good or bad.
My knowledge for older Glorantha before RQ 3rd is still imperfect, please correct it if I make mistake....
First, there is Basic Magic and Rune Magic in RQ 1st and 2nd. (I don't know well about the detail of this period. (classical idyllic days of Chaosium....?)) I suppose there is no connection between Basic Magic / Animism, Rune Magic / Theism by classic AD & D POV for magic until Cult of Terror was published. (I suppose Nick Brooke said me so.)
Second, Avalonhill "Dark Age", they tried to use Basic Role Playing System for their own purpose, like Griffin Mountain and Fantasy Europe Project, and they induced concept of Four Societies (Hunter / Gather, Nomad, Barbarian, Western IIRC), And they induced new terms, Spirit Magic, Divine Magic and Sorcery. In Glorantha, many theistic / animistic society still relatively freely used Both Older Version Systems of Magic, new induced detail for sorcerers of West told us that "Malkioni usually don't use other system of Magic." In this Dark Age, Unofficial Fan-Activity was activated. A sort of official setting for Arkat and Stygian Heresy, Horned Man and trial of shamans in Spirit World are created for Shamanism half-independent system.
Third, Avalonhill failed and RQ died. And Robin Laws and the Four Directional / Magical World System POV made new Glorantha World View, by inducing Mysticism. (I love it.) Hero Wars / Quest was born. And Theism and Shamanism were cut into two, some of Old "Spirits" became daemons while some of Old "Gods" turned into giants aka Great Spirits. Pamaltela is the Center of Animism in this new World Setting. There is no Basic Magic any more. Orlanthi cannot use Bladesharp.
I don't know how to say without crushing something like "after all, Glorantha of HW is not Glorantha of RQ." Though it might start Sobjectivism Debate again.....
Please see how old setting was treated, like Four Animal Helpers from Four Directions. (Otter, Loon, Turtle and Sea Eagle RM p.33), Hykim and Mikyh (Korgatsu or Amuron?) Horned Men of ShanShan mountains. That is the consequence of "Elmalism" (Subdivision of Glorantha, some of old setting is also changed like from Artmali Empire of Golden Age (See RQ #3 Gods of Glorantha) to Artmali Empire of Storm Age (RM) for unknown reason.) And usually Pamaltela was a Outside / Opposite / Reflect of each of harmonized Gregged World System for each version Gloranthas. Jerome wants to make subjectivity in Pamaltela and Animistic Worldview independently, I think, it is difficult. But if he can do it, I cannot help saying "Great."
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