> Information wants to be free, it's just not sure
> about how and with whom.
Maybe, but since people have to eat and food costs money it's a little unreasonable to ask them to *produce* information, full-time, without monetary compensation. I for one wouldn't be very happy if my boss told me tomorrow that I wasn't getting paid because "information wants to be free."
The fan-produced material is indeed great, but I doubt we would see much new Gloranthan material without a professional group of writers.
Anyway, if Greg (or anyone else) decides to provide access to some Gloranthan material for some people who pay him for this, isn't that their business? What right does anyone have to demand that information for nothing? If you agree to let someone stay at your house for, say Eur 100, does that give me the right to show up tomorrow and demand that you put me up for free, simply because we are fellow Gloranthaphiles?
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