> >Hrrm. You mean the people aren't related in any way, either culturally
> >or in origin? Or do you mean there's no magical/otherside connection or
> >similarity between the two, what with them being in different "systems".
> >(Hey man, it wasn't me. You want the _other_ procyonid supernatural
> >entity, guv.)
> Both, AFAIK. The Vanchite types are theists, and related to (I believe)
> the Orlanthi peoples rather than to the hsunchen - there is no
> cultural/historical link between them that I'm aware of. This isn't to
> say that there isn't a myth of them meeting, mind you; Yinkin and
> Rinkona did, after all.
The later seems the more problematic to me. (Though I'd also be somewhat skeptical about the first, at least in terms of "non-recent" history.) In terms of cosmogony, are the two completely different? Or a mysterious case of "convergent evolution"? Is there nothing on the Other Side that in any sense corresponds to Primal Raccoonity? (Notwithstanding the different and doubtless contradictory mythologies about same.)
It strikes me as pretty much contradictory to say that two things are deeply similar in character, but magically/othersidely unrelated. What, after all, does the other side _mean_ if it isn't about essential (small-e) connections between things?
> They are probably associated with subtly
> different kinds of racoon too, although the non-magical differences
> might be the sort that only zoologist roster-writers could care about.
Shades of the alynx/bobcat model, hrm?
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