> The GTA ... you give Issaries money so that they can keep running
Actually, the GTA was so Issaries could get jump-started. It's not intended to keep the company running (which is why it's not set up as an annual subscription).
Life in the game publishing business is always close to the edge for small companies, and it's hard to produce stuff as fast as we'd all like. So it's still very helpful to contribute to the GTA.
When we set up GTA, we all wanted a way to say "thank you" to all the generous fans. Access to pre-publication material seemed like a reasonable choice -- it's "free" in that the costs to Issaries are very low. And it's all intended for publication anyway, so the idea was that everyone will get it in time.
This suggests to me that those who aren't GTA members can still get access to more Gloranthan information by helping to promote HeroQuest (Hero Wars). Run a game during the summer convention season. Run a demo at your local game store. Mention the rules in newsgroup discussions or other online forums. Run a game for your friends (I find Hero Wars probably the easiest game system for GMs). The more Issaries can sell, the faster they can put out the next product.
-- David Dunham <mailto:dunham_at_pensee.com> Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein --__--__--
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