> We have already seen at the top level of demi-god that the
>GTA ranks can be used to reward those who contribute with effort and
>creativity. I think none of us doubt that Sandy and David H. deserve
>their demi-god status.
> We could extend this idea to lesser ranks and humbler efforts.
> I would feel better about the GTA if GTA membership was used
>to reward those who contribute in creativity and effort as well as
>those who contribute with cash. Initiate membership for people who
>contribute major bits of work like great scenarios to Issaries, Hero
>membership for those doing things like keeping zines alive.
> If necessary, restrict the free book benefits to those who
>pay - that way, such an upgrade would be costing Issaries very
>little. And its not really costing Issaries much in lost memberships
> The only people who might potentially have a legitimate cause
>for complaint might be those like David Dunham who are already
>through financial contribution but deserve to be through heroic
>effort on things Gloranthan anyway - but I can't see these generous
>souls complaining if it made the GTA work better overall.
> If the GTA also acknowledged those without the money, but who
>contribute as they are able, I think it would feel much more like a
>true roster of supporters of Issaries, be less divisive, and be
>something that we could all be truly proud to be a member of.
At Tentacles this was discussed, and Greg said that he *was* open to the idea of Sweat Equity - work and be rewarded with greater access. In fact, I only paid for an initiate-level GTA membership, but was rewarded for my labors with Hero Status. (The "pay" for writing/editing isn't close to Gaming industry standards (which are low compared to real publishing...))
So your idea is already in place.
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