I'm thrilled to hear that Issaries is open to the idea of "sweat equity". I think my issue with the GTA is that its represented as being the group of supporters of Glorantha, or the Glorantha tribe, and its obviously the slightly different subset of that group that has the money to support Issaries financially. I'm remembering the student that I was more than a decade ago who loved Glorantha and would have found $USD100 a big financial stretch, but would have gladly donated a few hours to the cause. I'm also thinking of a few people I can think of who have made huge contributions to Glorantha but would find the money for Runemaster or Hero a big financial burden. If its open to the idea of "sweat equity", it becomes a lot closer to really representing all the Glorantha tribe. I understand the financial situation of Issaries, but building a strong community helps it in the long term.
In other words, it looks like Issaries is well on the path to addressing the concerns I had. I remain proud to be a member.
Rick also said:
>I have found the Gloranthan community,
>especially electronically, to be very
>egalitarian and open when it comes to
>sharing. People who are doing research,
>or even just want to discuss opinions
>are presented with a wealth of info.
And the GTA materials specifically forbid this in some cases, so its always going to be a bit of an issue from time to time. But we need to make some sacrifices to raise the money, and the benefit of the much needed cash more than outweighs the occasional problem. If we can reduce the number of times this seems unfair, and upsets a person who would be a contributor to the community, that's good - giving some access to those who help out but don't have money will help. Being a little generous with GTA restricted materials to those who have an actual creative need for them also helps - I think Issaries does do this on an ad hoc basis.
Regards David
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