> > "Argrath of Pavis" <snip> calling it all Free Pavis and
> > re-energizing Pavis cult efforts to reclaim the past glory of the city and
> > integrate it with the new.
>I like the cut of this gib :)
:) The PCs freaked out when their joy about the downfall of the Lunars turned to realization that now Pavis was splintered into factions previously held in check by the glue of Lunar rule. I think the miss the irony behind Ettir's renaming of the city, though; Bendrath in particular is cheezed off.
> > Secretly, (hope no players are reading!) he's a
> > Black Fang shaman and master of nightmares, who slew Gim Gim the Grim to
> > steal most of his nasty secrets, and behind the scenes is now turning Free
> > Pavis into his own criminal state.
The Ettir character isn't all bad; he does have some respect for Pavis and wants to do some right. There is noble blood in him after all, so he's conflicted. But when he and his ring split Gim Gim into seven pieces, Ettir couldn't stand to bury Gim Gim's head like the rest of the parts. He could tell it still held power that he might wield. So he has held onto it and gleaned some secrets from Gim Gim that are helping him sink his New Teeth's roots deeper into Pavis, but have also corrupted him and will eventually lead to unwilling associations with Krarsht and perhaps Thanatar.
Much to everyone's eventual surprise in "Free Pavis", the Rubble trolls are just gathering for a big trollball game and there will just be minor attacks this year. Likewise, the big famine will be resolved with heroquesting and calls on help from allies. (Tomb of Yurmonis scenario plays a big part, too, as will Puzzle Canal/Zola Fel missions) However, the outcome of all this suffering and anxiety that Pavis is going through is that it forces them to act quickly and reform old alliances, plus seek new ones. In the end, they will be strengthened by their trials, and those that outlive the suffering will reap the fruits of the Green Age (I'm making assumptions based on how it seems the plot arc in the Masks/Legacy/Shadows series is headed), albeit with some frequent problems caused by ripples of the Hero Wars that hit Pavis as other lands suffer their own strife.
> > Anyway, ideas about what goes on next in Prax/Pavis would be very
> > welcome. I imagine that, in the big scheme of things, once the Lunars
> are
> > kicked out it largely drops off the radar of the Hero Wars and becomes a
> > sanctuary for people escaping from/gathering strength for the battles in
> > Dragon Pass. But I wonder what others have done with it, or will do.
>Whilst this sanctuary idea is a good one, the Ancient Measure rise
>from the shadows of Pavis, cunningly manipulating heroes and
>events, calling the ancient design of Pavis to fruition so that at long
>last <message truncated>
Eager to see more!
In my campaign, Bendrath and company had been secretly holding back their
plans to reclaim Old Pavic Green Age glory -- preaching cooperation with
the Lunars and even running very high profile missions to Balastor's
Barracks, etc., but always with the knowledge that they were going on a
wild goose chase. Some missions were intentionally sabotaged, too., so
Lunar resources were squandered, important items were kept out of Lunar
hands, and the illusion of cooperation and progress was
maintained. Meanwhile Bendrath was quietly building his own plan to find
Pavic artifacts and knowledge without Lunar help, but holding back on
setting any of these plans into motion. He knows where most of these items
are now, or is close to knowing, so once the Lunars fade away, his durulz
are all in a row and he begins (with Fleeter et al's help) to reclaim parts
of the Green Age. The Masks/Legacy/Shadows of Pavis series is coming at
just the right time for me, then.
--John R Hutchinson
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