Not that it's an unreasonable question, I grant you. I suppose its possible that the Vanchite god saw Lotara's racoons, and decided he wanted to make some of his own. That way there *is* a mythic link (even if its not openly acknowledged by the Vanchites) but the creatures and their creators are still quite separate as entities.
>What I'm trying to say here is that if the groups are in any sort of
>mythic contact, each will have stories about _the other_.
Oh yes, I'd be very surprised if they didn't..
>(The Racoon
>god and his No-Account Cousin, or whatever.) It's the traditional
>three sides to that story (what the Vanchites say, what the hsunchen
>say, and what an "objective" outsider says) which I'm saying may be
>mythically ambiguous (to some unknown degree -- obviously I'm speculating).
No, I wouldn't argue with that
>>> There are instances where this sort of thing doesn't apply, I'm sure. My
>>> understanding is that this ain't one of them. Bears are another one
>>> where it doesn't apply, apparently.
>Very interesting. Wouldn't have occurred to me, that one.
I think I may have been unclear in my typing there (too many double
negatives) - I mean to say that Rathor black bears and Ertelenari black
bears are unrelated, and for the same reasons as Lotari and Vanchite
>It equally seems odd to me if "different systems" is a (near-)absolute,
>and "different gods" (within a (theist in that case) system) counts for
>very little -- though there are such cases too, right?
Sorry, you've lost me there...
-- Trotsky Gamer and Skeptic ------------------------------------------------------ Trotsky's RPG website: --__--__--
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