>I assume this is probably going to be dealt with in the Shadows of Pavis
>supplement, but I'm too darn curious. :) What really is the Nysalor
>riddle of the Puzzle Canal, and what's it's answer?
The scenario was written when Nysalor was thought to be the be-all end-all of mystical insight. Knowing better now, I'd hazard that it confers some sort of mystical insight which the locals call Nysaloran because they don't know any better. The True Source of this insight could be anything from the EWF to the God Learners.
As for the actual words of the question and its answer - there isn't any AFAIK. It's just a strange thought that one can't explain yet niggles at the back of one's mind.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest
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