> As for the actual words of the question and its answer - there isn't
> any AFAIK. It's just a strange thought that one can't explain yet
> niggles at the back of one's mind.
That's the way all Nysalor riddles (and other mystic insights) work IMG. =
When a character 'solves a riddle' I don't usually tell the player any
detail of what has happened - the players know that I sometimes put stran=
squiggles on their character sheets but they don't know why, although som=
can guess.
I'm being influenced by Zen koans. Koans can (usually?) be stated in wor=
and some are very well-known (like the famous 'What is the sound of one
hand clapping?') but you cannot be told 'the' answer - the answer is
different for every student and cannot necessarily be stated in words.
I once wanted to have the players witness an NPC solve a riddle while travelling through Tarsh, so used a western riddle based on a logical paradox ...
Q. In an obscure Lunar village named Span, by decree the barber must sha=
all those men of the village and only those men who do not shave
themselves. Who shaves the barber?
A (1) the villagers conscript passing travellers to do temporary barber duty
A (2) that's up to her.
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