I made a new poll for Arkat in Yahoo Group Hero Wars List:
*Arkat was a fanatical fool and cared only about himself. We are lucky he
isn't near any more.
*I don't know, but want to know about him (and Gbaji).
*Who knows? and who cares? He came and went, period.
*I know his secret. But I don't think you will agree with me.
*Arkat was a tragic hero and a person who is an example to young people of
what they should not be
*Arkat was a Great and Just King but sacrificed many things for his noble
*Arkat was a good friend for good people but the worst enemy for bad people,
he will return if the world become Evil again!
*Arkat was a son of Devil who was brought from Hell to kill Holy Nysalor
*Arkat and Nysalor were twin demons plotting to deceive everyone to kill
each other.
*Arkat was originally a Troll and stole many secrets from Hoomans! He is
<<To vote, please visit the following web page:
Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups web site listed above.>>
Please vote it if you think you know the answer (though you don't read Greg's Arkat's Saga, but I don't think Greg told such answer in it....) or you know how Arkat should be, or you think such vote should be stopped before Danfive Xaron cult might work.
Thank you!
End of Glorantha Digest
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