
From: Gianfranco Geroldi <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 05:36:23 -0700 (PDT)

> On your last point (that animals, like humans, are
> made of everything, so should not be wedded to one
> particular otherworld), I'd point out that socially
> cohesive groups of humans tend to be wedded to
> particular otherworlds. Perhaps this is true for
> reasons that are also true for animals. It could be
> learned behavior, or it could be something about
> Glorantha that encourages it, depsite any failure of
> learned behavior.

Humans tend to relate to a particular Otherworld because they want the power from it, like petroleum extractors crowding where deep sources of black oil can be sucked.

Gloranthan animals should be slightly less obsessed by power, IMO (unless they are sentient beasts a la Ironhoof).



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