This more more correct. Animist religious core is the ability to cooperate with spirits through ecstatic worship.
>Perhaps shamans
>are specialists of it. Either summoning the spirits (in the mundane
Any practitioner can summon the spirits of his own Practice, using the
worship abilities.
>world) or spirit travel (in the spirit world). It's their day to day
>job, so they are shamans.
Shamans' speciality is to go to the Otherworld.
>> >A shamanic hero can travel to places of the Spirit World proper
>> >if he is supported by a shaman
>> But why _should_ an animistic (not Shamanic) hero need a shaman?
They don't.
But if they want a decent chance to survive, they do.
>> Orlanthi heroquesters do not need to be God Talkers and Malkioni
>> aren't required to be sorcerers. So I do not see why we should have
>> to handicap animist heroes to be lousy heroquesters if they are not
>> shamans.
The Otherworlds are not parallel in all respects. As stated someplace (uh,
maybe in the unpublished HQ rules?) the Spirit World has no sections or
barriers between parts, and normal, Great and Majestic spirits all wander
around at random. That's the big danger to anyone buyt a shaman going there.
For information sake: the Sorcery World is divided into discernable planes,
while the God World has strongpoints within it.
>I agree they should not need a shaman and being a shaman should not be
>a pre-requisite to travel in the spirit world. All animists should be
>able to travel to the spirit world even in animist societies which
>aren't used to spirit travel. But should an animist heroquest be the
>same thing as spirit travel like shamans do, using a set of special
>"otherworld" skills (spirit sight, spirit combat)?
HeroQuesting is NOT going to the Otherworlds. In a HQ you go through your
Otherworld to the Hero Plane, in HQ called simply the Gods War. HQing
occurs in the Gods War.
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