Re: Shamans and Fetches

From: Chris Lemens <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 08:28:02 -0700 (PDT)

Greg sez:
> Shamans' speciality is to go to the Otherworld.
. . .
> As stated someplace (uh,maybe in the
> unpublished HQ rules?) the Spirit World
> has no sections or barriers between
> parts, and normal, Great and Majestic
> spirits all wander around at random.
> That's the big danger to anyone
> but a shaman going there.

So, would it be fair to make the following statements? - A Shaman can usually navigate in the Spirit World. - Other people usually cannot, even if they can get there.
- "Directions" in the Spirit World are generally incomprehensible to or impossible to apply by non-Shamans. e.g., those at: - "Sure, the Shaman said to get to the Outlands Passage by heading from the Home Camp towards the Spike, but where's the Spike?"

Chris Lemens


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