> My next question is more along the lines of where ['common horseness'] "is", if it's not
> a magically real connection. After all, if it were magically real, surely
> it would be present in some form in the O/S. But that was also my
> previous question, so I'll endeavour not belabour the point... Is it
> purely a "mundane world fluke" they happen to "resemble" each other?
Well, puttting on my Godlearner hat (mmm, comfy) and applying my Runequest Sight, I see that all horses have a Horse Form Rune (related to the Animal Form Rune), most have a Middle World Rune, but some have Spirit World Runes, others Divine World Runes, etc. So, I'd guess that that 'common horseness' is the Horse Form.
I guess that bog standard horses have the Material World Rune, with the other Worls Runes being uncommon and (by definition) magical.
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