> Directions do not exist in the Spirit World. The
> demense of the animist tradition is its own
> entity/space in the spirit plane. It has no
> relationship whatsoever with any other demense in
> the spirit plane. There is no permanence way to
> travel from one demense to another.
OK. So are directions (like the ones on the Issaries web site concerning the Praxian tradition) valid _within_ a demense? If so, can any member of the tradition follow them?
> >- "Sure, the Shaman said to get to the Outlands
> >Passage by heading from the Home Camp towards the
> >Spike, but where's the Spike?"
> The Spirit world has no Spike.
Might a specific demense? If not, why does it appear on the Issaries web site write-up of the Praxian spirit tradition?
> Are you still confusing the Hero Planes, where
> HeroQuesting takes place, with the Spirit World,
> where very little HeroQuesting takes place?
I'm certainly confused, but apparently too confused to pin down what I'm confused about. The confusion arises from apparent contradiction between your statements above and the Praxian spirit tradition writeup on your web site. The only way I see )though there could be others) of making the two consistent is to assume that your statements were about the Spirit World, but do not necessarily apply to specific demenses. Unless you are saying that the writeup was about a portion of the Hero plane? Surely not -- the ancestors live in the Wide Plains, so it must be part of a Spirit Wolrd demense.
> Integration no longer exists as a Shamanic or
> Animist power. They are the very people who would
> most loath exterminating the individual spirits by
> using the old HW form of Integration.
Ah, that's too bad. I always thought that was the coolest part of animism. I especially like the idea of using it with elves to integrate a spirit to gain some physical feature like war bark. Also, as a mechanic, it seemed like a pretty good representation of some things like the Berserker ability. Hopefully, there is an equally cool replacement that does not "exterminate" the individual spirit?
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