> From: Greg Stafford <>
> Subject: Reaping Time
> Reply-To:
> At 05:43 AM 7/22/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> >Reaping Day is sacred to Durev. What are his householders (initiates
> >and devotees) doing in an army?
> I'd just like to second this point.
> Harvest time was so important in normal times that everyone was out in the
> fields. To miss the harvest = starvation. It's one of the advantages of a
> standing army to be able to attack during the harvest season.
> In short, no one takes people out of the fields in harvest season. Farmers
> regularly desert the army to go home for harvest. If Durev initiates are in
> the seige it's got to be because they have no fields of their own to
> harvest and are hoping to seize some food from the siege to help their
> starving people.
I _AM_ talking about a standing army. But, Reaping Day is one of the 28 days that make up the 10% of an Orlanthi's time - it doesn't matter what he is initiated to. He must (orlanthi 'must') attend.
If it makes answering my initial question easier, change the situation to Sword Day.
Many people have said that you can miss a day here or there. When does it become too many? I see that this probably answers the original question. On Tool Day half of the army worships and then on Shutting Door Day the rest go.
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