Joerg Baumgartner
> >Hmm. Another thing I stumbled across is the "no integration of
> >spirits for shamans" position.
Peter Metcalfe:
> I think that's no "adoration for shamans" which isn't integration of
> spirits but integrating oneself into a Great Spirit. Which has been
> raised on here but the end result is still murky.
I wonder if 'adoration' of a great spirit is not equivalent with 'integrating'* only the spirits which follow the great spirit inside the demesne... but it makes sense that an 'adorator' would not usually be able to travel outside of his great spirit's demesne (which he is integrated in), at least not without a shaman, except to follow mythic landmarks and go to heroplanes. Adoration wouldn't be compatible with spirit world travel then.
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