I'm thinking of writing a scenario set at the time of the Founding of
New Pavis with a possible view to later using it as the basis of a
Some questions that I'd like your wisdom on
- From KING OF SARTAR we learn that Varthanis Brighthelm who becomes
Count of Sun County seven years after the founding was an Elmali convert
who turned to the faith of Yelmalio as a result of meeting Monrogh and
travelled with Dorasor to Pavis. So presumably the founding of the city
was contemporaneous with the revelation to Sun County of the results of
Monrogh's heroquest. So what was the faith of Sun County before that
happened? What difference did the heroquest make to religious practice?
- How did THE PEOPLES OF PAVIS handle freeform depiction of adventures
in the Rubble? This is a tricky point for me since if I let the players
go off into the Rubble they will leave the main focus of the action for
a time and tie up at least one ref to resolve their actions. But I don't
want to set a freeform right next to the biggest pile of trouble and
treasure on the lozenge and not use it.
Michael Cule