>1) From KING OF SARTAR we learn that Varthanis Brighthelm who becomes
>Count of Sun County seven years after the founding was an Elmali convert
>who turned to the faith of Yelmalio as a result of meeting Monrogh and
>travelled with Dorasor to Pavis.
No, he wasn't an Elmali. The writer of the passage in King of Sartar thinks Varthanis was an Elmali but Yelmalions have been in Pavis continuously since the Imperial Age (which the writer didn't know).
>So presumably the founding of the city
>was contemporaneous with the revelation to Sun County of the results of
>Monrogh's heroquest.
AFAIK Varthanis was an exile (of sorts) from Sun County when Pavis was founded. He met with Monrogh, learned his secrets and then used it to seize power in Sun County.
>So what was the faith of Sun County before that happened?
>What difference did the heroquest make to religious practice?
It could a short-lived slavish adherence to the Dragon Pass Temple after which Sun County said "we were worshipping Yelmalio while they were Orlanthi so they can go sod themselves". This fashion occurred the same time as Varthanis's Son (Dubya?) was screwing up.
--Peter Metcalfe
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