>Fire may well distinguish humans from animals, but it doesn't reliably
>distinguish them from other sentient peoples.
During How the West was One last weekend, the sub-committee on tapping was trying to come up with a a set of rules that would be acceptable to everyone. No tapping of Malkioni, of any Caste or Sect was generally agreed to be a good restriction, and following the terrible example of the Boristi, No tapping of Chaos was deemed to be a wise move, but the tapping of Humans outside of the faith was proving more tricky... If they converted then they could be saved, but how did one determine when they would refuse salvation? Then came the issue of non-human sentients, which puzzled me - as good Orthodox Malkioni, did we even recognise the existence of non-human, non chaotic sentients, Aren't they all Krjalki?
(our politicking was rather wasted by Theoblanc the Pious deciding to throw the Rokari vote behind the Hrestoli position, to let us censure the dissenters - which would have been fine, were it not for the fact that the only dissenters were renegade Rokari...)
-- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tim Ellis EMail tim_at_timellis.demon.co.uk | | What is the use of a book without pictures or conversations? | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ --__--__--
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