>I apologize if this has been done to death, but I am wondering if much has
>been done or said regarding horses within Sartar for clans that do not have
>Elmal worshippers or do not follow his ways.
Clans that do not have Elmali can call upon Redalda the Horse Goddess (ST 228-229) either in her own right or as a subcult of Ernalda Allmother . They can also call upon Elmal via god-talkers.
>I know several places have said that Elmal worship is not very common in
>Sartar. However, horses are. It would make sense that Barntar followers
>would care for ponies pulling plows.
Cattle are what the Orlanthi use to pull ploughs. In the RW, horses weren't used until medieval times because of the lack of horse collars before then. plows until the horse collar was developed.
> It would also make sense for Issaries to care for pack horses.
Issaries prefers mules (Storm Tribe p114).
>Would Orlanth take up the slack in terms of horse-care for thanes who ride
>into battle mounted?
Since Elmal gave Starkval the gift of the rainbow horse, his worshippers should know how to take care of horses.
>Would Voriof followers care for them in the role of stable-boys?
No, Gods are not mutable.
--Peter Metcalfe
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